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Intuitive Mind-Body-Energy
Coaching & Healing

Online Sessions

Randi Camirand

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Inspirations, tips and offerings

Intuitive Mind-Body-Energy Coaching & Healing

Underneath our traumas and negative beliefs we are all perfectly whole.

Individual Counseling &

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To schedule an online therapy session, use the link below.

Working Together

based on Dr. Judith Blackstone's Realization Process



Upcoming Community Practice on Zoom
Spring Solstice Practice!
3/19/2024 at 5:30PM EST
click this link to send a registration email
No Charge

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Explore Anodea Judith's
Based on 38 Female Archetypes of Leadership created by Anodea Judith and Melinda Matzell
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Interested in exploring the possibility of working together?
Let's connect

My Approach

My approach is holistic, which means I address the mind, body, and subtle body. My goal is always the same — to improve your sense of safety in the world so you can live with more ease. When we feel safe, we experience confidence, calmness, creativity, clarity, curiosity, courage, compassion, and connection. When we feel safe we can heal.

May you be safe. May you be healthy. May you happy. May you live with peace.

– Metta Meditation

Are you ready to create lasting change?

Let's connect

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How Intuitive Mind-Body-Energy

Coaching Can Support Your Journey

Work with integrative techniques that attend to your mind, body and energy
Identify and release unconscious limiting beliefs and patterns
Gently process and release traumas
Create new beliefs and patterns that support your intentions
Learn self-help techniques to reduce stress
Explore how to weave together EFT, EMDR, Havening, Embodiment

Parts Work, Hypnotherapy, Breathwork, Guided Imagery,  Reiki, Realization Process and more - my practice is truly holistic and guided by each individual’s unique needs

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